Schumacher Chargers

Based in Illinois, Schumacher Electric Corporation leads the sales of battery chargers in the United States market. The company also develops many power conversion products for private and professional users.

The Schumacher Electric Corporation group has 7 production, distribution and research & development sites located around the world, including Schumacher Europe (formerly Ceteor SPRL), headquartered in Harzé in the Belgian Ardennes.

Thanks to the union of Schumacher Electric and Ceteor SPRL, the group seeks to become the world leader in the manufacturing and distribution of boosters and battery chargers for all types of vehicles. 

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Odoo - Echantillon n°1 pour trois colonnes  

Schumacher has developed a patented technology: Speed Charge, which guarantees that the battery charge is as fast and safe as possible - up to 3 times faster...

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